The Victorian government’s West Gate Tunnel project will open up four new lanes on the West Gate Bridge, freeing up traffic congestion for Melbourne motorists. 

This roadside billboard plays off the frustrating stop and stall nature of peak hour traffic and reminds commuters that something bigger and better is on its way.

A simple ode to silently screaming in your car during peak hour traffic or muttering words your mother 

should never hear your say as you move one excruciating inch every half-hour.


The Victorian government’s West Gate Tunnel project will open up four new lanes on the West Gate Bridge, freeing up 

traffic congestion for Melbourne motorists. This roadside billboard plays off the frustrating stop and stall nature of traffic 

and reminds commuters that something bigger and better is on its way.

The Victorian government’s West Gate Tunnel project will open up four new lanes on the West Gate Bridge, freeing up traffic congestion for Melbourne motorists. 

This roadside billboard plays off the frustrating stop and stall nature of peak hour traffic and reminds commuters that something bigger and better is on its way.